
Pharast 17th, 656 AR

We arrived in Haytoma early this evening. As we neared the city there was a great deal of noise and activity going on from within. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't initially afraid we'd be walking into another situation like what we encountered in Jin Hai. I am exuberant to report that was not the case in the slightest.

After arriving at the gates and asking the guards what was happening, everyone was pleased to find out that it was a big festival. Turns out due to the festivities there wouldn't be any boats going out for the duration of the celebration (about three days I think they said). So we're basically stuck here till it is over. I'm personally glad for the break being forced upon us, I think everyone could use it after the last couple weeks. Might as well make the most of it!

Anyway, the actual festival isn't starting until tomorrow, but we still wandered in to try find an inn to stay at. Unfortunately, due to the festivities everyone was booked solid. Looks like we'll be camping on the outskirts and hiking in early tomorrow morning if we want to catch all the excitement and events. Aiko is really excited, as much if not more than Chiyo, which amuses me to no end. The festivals at Tenshi were usually pretty subdued so I suppose this her first really big one. Will have to make sure she has some fun.

Not to mention the what an occasion to celebrate! It is Prince Bogden Shino Shizume's birthday and they are celebrating it here of all places! Meaning the Princess of Saiya Zei, Nyotei Shizume, herself is in town...the daughter of our Divine Lady. Aiko hopes we can catch a glimpse of them during the festivities and I'd be lying if I wasn't hoping the same. Despite all my travelling, I've yet to be lucky enough to catch a glance of the Divine Daughter or the newly appointed Prince. 

While our land's adopted prince garners more than a few rumours and whispers among many of the populace, he is a lovable scamp if nothing else. I'm sure the Princess and our Lady have a good reason for naming him as Prince. In any case, this is going to be one amazing party. Thank the spirits for the luck that brought us here with such perfect timing!

Ah, I see Baoji returning with some very nice looking bottles of Sake. I'd be remiss if I didn't join him for a few drinks. 

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