
Gozran 3rd, 656 AR

*This page is marked by the ocean's spray and has the unmistakable scent of the sea about it*

Chiyo finally got her sea legs about her today and recovered from her initial seasickness. Poor girl. She was completely out of commission for the first day of the trip because of it. For her first time on a boat, she certainly bounced back fast...though considering her it isn't that surprising. Neither Aiko or Keisuke had any issues and I've been on a boat a time or two so I didn't embarrass myself (that ship has long since set sail...ha!).

I've got a bit of a feel for the crew now. They're all a fairly happy-go-lucky lot. Likely because of how well they are treated by Captain Ba-tu and the first mate Aroon, both of whom are much beloved by every member of the crew. Their continual banter is rather amusing.

That said...it's not all warm and fuzzy feelings all around. The mess hall turns into a battlefield at every meal. While I appreciate the singing and sailor shanties, I'm not as fond of the pushing, shoving, and fights you have to go through just to get yourself a share of the food. I swear I came out with more bruises getting lunch the first day than I have in some of our battles! Keisuke fits right in for while he is shorter than many of them, his strength gives him more leeway than my thinner frame. I'm going to try slip in after everyone is seated and the meal is served at the next meal and see if it fares any better. On the brighter side, the ship has an excellent selection of alcohol when I can get my hands on it.

In the evenings I've been practicing my kata on the deck of the ship when most have gone to bed. Between Skaetis and the sinspawn, the Sons of Heaven, and an unknown number of other enemies at this point, I really can't afford to get rusty at all. 

Also, crazy as it sounds, I can feel that something definitely shifted or changed in Ashura since learning its name. The blade is lighter and seems to almost anticipate my movements, flowing into them with ease that feels beyond the somewhat meager skill I've attained. While I'm not seeing any overt physical changes in the blade, I can't help but feel like it is waiting for something and preparing itself.

...and it should be about time to head to the mess hall. Wish me luck!

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